Sunday, December 22, 2019

Memory and Brain Activity Essays - 2129 Words

Memory and Brain Activity Memory is the mental process of retaining and retrieving information such as facts, events, and experiences. Memory is not always accurate (Hunt, 2004). Memory errors are common and natural; they are the result of normal cognitive processes of comprehension and perception, which can cause interference about incoming information. There are two errors of remembering; forgetting an event that occurred and remember an event that never occurred or remembering it in a way different from how it occurred. Memories can be distorted, and one may have no awareness that the memory is distorted. This is false memory (Roediger, 2002). Prior Knowledges Effect on Memory False memories can be formed in many ways. Prior†¦show more content†¦The crime of stealing the purse was in fact committed by a man white man that was walking near the black man. This may because the woman has a racial bias to assume a black man is more likely to commit a crime than a white man is, so she may truly believe that she saw the black man commit the crime. Many studies have shown that collaboration causes an interference that produces more memories that are false but in a study but Ross, they concluded that collaboration has reduced the amount of false memories in both older and younger adults. Collaboration may cause more memories that are false because one may rely on others memories and those memories are of their perception of an event (Ross, 2008). A jury uses collaboration of evidence to determine a suspected criminals fate, collaboration may be a good or a bad thing when used in this context because the opinions of others influence ones own opinion and but in a positive note they can provide cues to help. It is possible to convince people that they have witnessed something that has not actually happened. Memories are not stored like still pictures, they are more like sketches that are transformed and added to whenever the memory is retrieved. Participants in a study that were presented false information about an event or scene tend to blend it into their memories, and they recall the false information as a part of the original memory. Loftus also didShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Training On Brain Training Essay1478 Words   |  6 Pagesrecent years brain training games have become a topic of interest among both researchers and common people alike. Researchers are interested in the healing properties of brain training while normal people are looking to brain training as a way to improve their performance and get a leg up on the competition in school, work, and life. Up until recently, it was believe d that the brain was unchangeable in terms of memory capacity. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Carl Rogers Neal Miller and Kurt Lewin Free Essays

In history, there were many successful psychologists who have made large contributions to the world of psychology. Many of which who are alive, and dead. Three of the most important psychologists are Carl Rogers, Neal Miller, and Kurt Lewin; all in which made a contribution to psychology somehow or another. We will write a custom essay sample on Carl Rogers Neal Miller and Kurt Lewin or any similar topic only for you Order Now Carl Ransom Rogers was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. Rogers was widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the American Psychological Association in 1956. His theory, as of 1951, was based on nineteen propositions; here are a few to give an idea of the basis of them all: All individuals exist in a continually changing world of experience of which they are the center. A portion of the total perceptual field gradually becomes differentiated as the self, and emotion accompanies and in general facilitates, such goal directed behavior, the kind of emotion being related to the perceived significance of the behavior for the maintenance and enhancement of the organism. All these have to do with the emotions and personality of a person, and how the brain works at perceiving the emotions as well. With the regard to development, Rogers described principles rather than stages. The main issue is the development of a self concept and the progress from an undifferentiated self to being fully differentiated, for instance, self concept. It means gestalt which is available to awareness though not necessarily in awareness. It is a fluid and changing gestalt, a process, but at any given moment it is a specific entity. Rogers took the aspects of how a person perceives their emotions by doing multiple studies, and tests to diagnos their emotional status. How to cite Carl Rogers Neal Miller and Kurt Lewin, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Business Combination

Question: What is A business combination? Explain. Answer: A business combination can be defined as an event or transaction or event in which an entity or business acquires control over another entity or business. This method is a quicker way for organizations to expand and grow rather than other methods such as organic growth. (Alfredson, 2005) Preceding the presentation of IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, control was acknowledged once an acquirer held more than half of the shares in the acquiree. Shortly under IFRS 10, we ought to explore paying little respect to whether the acquirer could control the business of an acquiree paying little mind to the way that it doesn't have the full half or more. This could happen say if an association guaranteed 47% of the shares in the acquiree, and the remaining shareholders were all individuals with little property. In case they expected to aggregate together to control the acquiree, it would require them a considerable measure of effort, which basically wouldn't be practical. So in this event we acknowledge the association with 47% of the shares has control over the acquiree. In the most simple way, all transactions in which a company or entity obtains control over another company or business. IFRS 3 standard deals with such process and procedures. The most common way of business combination is through a purchase transaction. Other ways of obtaining control incluse: By executing a binding contract. By an action taken by the company to be acquired In case of multiple companies merging to form a single company By not exchanging any sort of transaction (Detzen et al., 2013) Each transaction in which control is acquired by one entity over another entity can be called business acquisition. Control can be defined as significant influence over entitys decision making process rather than the amount of holding in the entity : It is clear generally speaking to make sense of if a social occasion of got assets and expected liabilities (i.e., an organized course of action of activities and assets) is a business. In any case, this determination can be jumbled in some events, including when the sensible estimation of the picked up social affair is pressed in one and only or a few advantages, or when the acquired pack conveys beside zero pay. A picked up cluster must have inputs and methods that make it prepared for making a landing or money related favorable position for the acquirer's monetary pros to be seen as a business [ASC 805-10-55-4; IFRS 3.B7]. Financial points of interest can happen in various structures, for instance, benefits, capital appreciation, or cost diminishes. (Harrison and Horngren, 2001) Right when a business procures another business, the business combination must be spoken to by applying the 'securing technique' of accounting. One social event in the trade is the "acquirer" and the substance that is being secured is the 'acquiree'. At the acquisition date all the assets and liabilities of the company acquired are measured at fair value at that time. The amount of assets and liabilities not attributable to the acquirer wll be attributed as non-controlling interest and will be represented in the equity section . Goodwill is defined as intangible asset that arises in the event of business acquisition. The value of goodwill is basically the premium paid over the net assets of the company being acquired. Companys customer list, good human resources, brand and market image, represents Companys goodwill. Goodwill be accounted in accordance with IAS 38: Intangible Assets. In simplest terms goodwill arises in the case where the acquirer pays for acquire more than the acquirers book value. However it should be noted that since the components of goodwill are subjective, there is a risk that company may attempt to overvalue it. (Mazhambe, 2014) Goodwill can be seen in full even where control is under 100%. Preceding the alterations to IFRS 3, the IFRS communicated that on securing, goodwill should simply be seen with respect to the part of the auxiliary undertaking that is inferable from the interest held by the guardian. This is still an option in IFRS 3 however now goodwill can be seen in full which now suggests that the non-controlling interest (definitely known as 'minority interest') will be measured at sensible regard and be consolidated inside goodwill. As of now trade costs associated with a business combination (for occurrence legal charges and accounting costs for due tirelessness work) were advanced close by the cost of the getting thusly molding part of the goodwill estimation. The IASB have assumed that these sorts of expense ought to now be expensed as these costs are not part of the sensible quality exchange between the buyer and merchant of the business. That is to say, thusly, that in the year of getting, the acquirer's compensation clarification will show fundamentally higher legal and master costs. In any case, this diminishing in advantages should be surpassed in future years in light of the way that the yearly shortcoming test on the goodwill will be established on a decreased starting equality. (Meigs, Mosich and Meigs, 1975) Where the guardian gets a couple, or most of, the non-controlling enthusiasm for an auxiliary, this should be managed as a treasury offer sort trade and subsequently should be spoken to as a worth trade. There is an illustration abstract, IFRIC 11 'IFRS 2: Group and Treasury Share Transactions' which provides guidance here. IFRS requires that parent entity to disclose in its financial statements, all the financial information that will enable the users of the financial statements to evaluate the changes and adjustments in the financial statements and their impact, required to account for the business combination that relate to current or previous periods. This disclosure includes: Details regarding assets, liabilities and other components of financial statements at the date of acquisition. Follow up information regarding any contingent consideration Reconciliation of the goodwill measured at the start of period and current value of goodwill. Information regarding profit and loss of the acquired company. References Alfredson, K. (2005).Applying international accounting standards. Milton, Qld: Wiley Sons Australia. Carlin, T. and Finch, N. (2008).Advance Australia fair. [North Ryde, N.S.W.: Macquarie University, Graduate School of Management]. Detzen, D., ZuÃÅ'ˆlch, H., ZuÃÅ'ˆlch, H. and Wulf, T. (2013).Conceptual and historical underpinnings of accounting. Dresden: Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden. Di Pietra, R., McLeay, S. and Ronen, J. (n.d.).Accounting and regulation. Harrison, W. and Horngren, C. (2001).Financial accounting. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hirschey, M., John, K. and Makhija, A. (2004).Corporate governance. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI. Kimmel, P., Weygandt, J. and Kieso, D. (2007).Financial accounting. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Mallin, C. (2004).Corporate governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mazhambe, Z. (2014).The Compromise of IASB's Conceptual Framework And IFRSs. SaarbruÃÅ'ˆcken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Meigs, W., Mosich, A. and Meigs, R. (1975).Financial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill. Monks, R. and Minow, N. (2004).Corporate governance. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub. Perkins, S. (1996).AASB accounting standards handbook. North Ryde, N.S.W.: CCH Australia. Sheikh, S. and Rees, W. (1995).Corporate governance corporate control. London: Cavendish. Stevenson, K. (2012). The Changing IASB and AASB Relationship.Australian Accounting Review, 22(3), pp.239-243.